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Whale Birthing and Calf Rearing

The journey of a whale calf begins long before its birth.

Whale mothers undertake incredible efforts to ensure the survival of their young, and this is particularly true for species that frequent Flinders Bay and Geograph Bay off the Western Australian coastline.

The Birthing Process

Southern Right whales, which visit the waters off Augusta from May to August, give birth in the shallow bays, providing their calves with protection from predators.

The birthing process is one of nature’s most remarkable spectacles, as the mother must assist the newborn calf to the surface to take its first breath.

The calves, usually born weighing up to 1.5 tonnes, must immediately begin learning how to swim and nurse, including this jumping southern right whale calf spotted in Augusta earlier this year.

Humpback whales also use the warm, sheltered waters off Dunsborough and Busselton as a nursery for their calves.

These areas provide a calm environment where whale mothers can nurse and care for their newborns before beginning the long migration back to Antarctica.

Whale Motherhood

Whale calves depend on their mothers for everything in the first few months of life.

Nursing can last up to a year, with the mothers producing nutrient-rich milk to help their calves grow rapidly.

This bond is incredibly strong, and whale mothers are known to be fiercely protective of their young.

During whale-watching tours with All Sea Charters, visitors often have the chance to see mothers and calves swimming together, providing a unique look at this intimate relationship in the wild.

Witness the Next Generation of Whales in Western Australia

All Sea Charters provides an excellent opportunity to witness whale calves in their natural habitat.

As you explore the waters off Busselton, Dunsborough, and Augusta, you’ll gain insight into the extraordinary lengths whale mothers go to in raising their young.

Join Us for an Unforgettable Experience

There’s no better way to witness the incredible whale migration journey than by joining All Sea Charters on one of our South-West Whale Watching Tours.

Whether you’re in Augusta during the early migration or in Busselton and Dunsborough as the whales return south, our experienced crew will ensure you have a memorable and educational experience.

Book your tour today and be part of this extraordinary natural phenomenon!